Monday, January 21, 2013

Beginning of a new dawn / "Success"

Hi all,

I have started blogging again with only one thing in mind - to consolidate all my thoughts here. After so many failed attempts in blogging, I have mustered up enough courage to start another one. However, this time round, the posts will not be what I do etc. I am one who love to think and question. Thus, I decided to have this special place to pen down my thoughts and share them with people.

First, I would like to say that if at any moment, you find my posts insulting or naive, please feel free to tell me by leaving a comment or write a personal email to me. If not, you can basically press the "X" button at the top right of your screen. I am not trying to say that I am going to do any defamatory comments but humans ,being humans, have different ways of interpreting things.

The place will be filled with my personal thoughts, insights and analysis of things. I would like to say that my comments might not be wise or smart enough so please bear with me. After all, this is my place and my sole purpose here is to pen down my wild thoughts. =)


As the title suggests, I will be talking about this one word "Success". These few days, I have been thinking about how can I be successful. Then, I questioned myself what is success. The definition of success is depending on individual and I thought for quite long. A quick search in suggests that success is either 1. the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors or 2. the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like. 

Just by the definition from, it seems like success, to probably a lot of people, is the attainment of wealth or recognition. This intrigues me if success should be weighed with the amount of wealth you attain or the honour you received. I have yet to find my definition of success. However, as I was trying to find it, I saw a quote from Albert Einstein "Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value." This somehow led me to believe that my future success must be born due to my personality and contribution to the society.

If you just take a look at the world nowadays, I would say Bill Gates, Steve Jobs(just to list a few) as successful people. For Bill Gates case (correct me if I am wrong), he build a foundation that supports goodwill initiatives. For Steve Jobs, he bought the world into the craze of smartphones and provide a breakthrough in the technological world. I still remember when I heard his decease, I wrote this on my facebook "He might leave but he will never be forgotten". 

All these people have contributed something to the society. Critics may argue that what you see might not be the case and that they can contribute because they are rich. Yes, I understand where these critics come from. However, success to me is intangible and cannot be weighed against something. 

Sometimes, I do wonder if humans, desperately chasing after wealth and honours, have lost sight of a lot of more valuable things. Success vs happiness? Haha...

To end off, as we try to pursue success in life, we need to be clear of our own definition of success and never lose sight of what is precious to us. Successful grievances or precious happiness? Your choice, your life! Choose it wisely! =)

P.S. I am not saying that you cant be successful and happy at the same time but if you want to deny that while chasing after such success as defined by you will not lose anything, you are just living in a state of self-denial. However, I do hope everyone will be successful and happy in the end.


  1. agreed. one man's poison may be another man's cure - success is all relative and well, as long as youre happy, thats all that matters. youve succeeded in a way, havent you? to attain something that everyone tries so hard to :)
